The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought about a change on an entirely different level. In this sense, this is probably the most stagnant I have been in years. Pre-Covid me would have been in the mountains chasing waterfalls during weekends or on some island soaking under the sun. These days, I’m stuck at home in my PJs binging on ice cream and anime. It’s not me losing interest in the outside world. In fact, I’ve never thirst for the outdoors more than the last several months. I just have a lot of things going on inside my head when we speak of travel during the “New Normal”. It’s nerve-wracking and overwhelming.

With all the tourist sites and destinations slowly opening one after the other, it’s tempting to just book a flight and go but certain factors have to be considered when traveling during the Covid Era. Allow me to list some of my apprehensions that keep me from going on a full-blown traveling.

Health & Safety

Among others, this is that one thing that keeps me up all night. Covid-19 is a formidable enemy and it has proven itself invincible, killing millions of lives and economies around the globe. And it doesn’t seem like it is going away anytime soon. With the expensive cost of treatment once this virus is contracted and how easily it can be transmitted, it truly is a scary world out there at the moment. Our only chance of fighting it is protecting ourselves from it, following recommended safety standards and health protocols and the availability of an effective and affordable vaccine soon.

With that being said, I always consider the Covid situation of the place and how well these safety and health standards are enforced before finally deciding to go for a visit. I admire towns and municipalities that prioritize the welfare of their citizens and visitors more than profit. I understand the need to help Tourism and the economy but it shouldn’t be at the expense of worsening the current situation.

Travel Requirements

Travel is more expensive and tedious now than it was pre-Covid. It’s totally understandable as our situation calls for it. A negative RT-PCR test must be presented which at the moment would cost P900/person the least. Travel confirmation or authorization must also be obtained from the town/city you’re traveling to. Confirmed hotel bookings are also necessary and in some cases, prior arrangements with tourists’ establishments and sites must be done, as is the case in Baguio, before you’re given access. I think our only consolation is that hotels and tour prices are low.


Considering that the current situation requires more than our well-curated OOTDs and itinerary, travel during the Covid Era also means taking more from our pockets. Unless the low cost of tours and accommodations can compensate for the extra cost to acquire all necessary requirements, travel during the new normal is definitely more expensive. Given how unpredictable the circumstances are, now more than ever is the time that we should be mindful of our spending.

The Crowd

Social distancing is one of the easiest ways to avoid contracting this deadly virus. Avoiding crowded places is definitely a must. I know Tagaytay is the closest we can get to distressing and relief from everything that’s been happening but it has recently been on everyone’s go-to list. To ensure safety, less touristy places are more ideal but most of them are still closed and some are miles away. But in case my overworked body and soul would require a respite from this hell we’re in, I’d surely fly to either Siargao or Coron, maybe both.


For someone who doesn’t own a car such as myself, travel is absolutely difficult. Public transportation has been limited since the start of the quarantine last year. Some have resumed operations but trips are pretty limited which is quite a bummer when it comes to planning a trip. I could get an arranged tour as I see a lot being offered on Facebook but I think the experience for me will not be the same as I prefer to do the planning myself all the time.

Travel Insurance

Don’t have insurance yet? Then you should get one, especially travel insurance if you’re quite a jet setter. Now is not the time to be careless and reckless rather the time to double our protection and security. Insurance will come in handy in dire situations calling for extra funds for hospitalization and some travel insurance now has coverage for Covid-19 and other unknown viruses that may arise in the future.

Who You Travel With

Protecting ourselves from the virus also means knowing full well the people we travel with, their travel history and the people they interacted with. Not saying for you to go full-on detective but at least have the idea on whether a friend or co-worker is someone safe to travel with. With that being said, I think it is still ideal to travel with your friends than with strangers on an arranged tour. This might be a little tricky for those who DIY travel since taking public transport poses the same risk.

The Destination

Knowing the destination is one of my primary considerations. Questions like how are the COVID situation or how well the local government unit enforce safety protocols against this deadly virus and is this place crowded with tourists should come with favorable answers. I don’t mind following a set of rules as long as this would ensure my safety and of the people, I will be interacting with while I’m there for a visit.

Who You Go Home To

Our well-being shouldn’t be the only concern when we travel. We should also consider those people we live with. I personally wouldn’t risk having insane fun outside and go home to an elderly parent or a child. So unless I live alone, I would limit my non-essential travels to maybe once or twice a month with me carefully choosing my destination and making sure I’m home safe and safe to be close to my loved ones.

And there you have it lovelies! I’m an overthinker so when it comes to overanalyzing things, I’m definitely one of the best but given our situation now, we can never be too careful while out there. Let me know what you think about this post in the comments. Share this as well with your friends. See you next time. Ciao!

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

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